Important Notice: I am unavailable for new projects until approximately February 2024. Please feel free to get in touch in the meantime, and I will reply to you as soon as I can, but be aware this may take longer than usual. Many thanks – Claire

Claire Gell | Editor
Scroll down for down-to-earth help and assistance with your writing…
Queenstown, New Zealand.
How can I help you?
When you publish any text – whether it's a book, an article, or a social media post – that text represents you.
Areas I can help with include grammar, clarity, style and voice, continuity, research, fact-checking, re-writing, word counts, and more – to make sure that your words are clear, interesting, and suitable for your readers.
I work with any topic for a general reader, with particular experience in non-fiction science and nature. I also have experience in some specialised subjects, such as academic film.
I can read through any piece of your writing and mark up things like:
grammar, spelling, and continuity. I'm happy to look at multiple drafts.
I will proofread your text and also edit it
for clarity. I could also edit for another need such as changing
the tone to suit a
specific audience.
I can proofread and
copy-edit a larger project, such as a book chapter
or manuscript. I can also liaise with any other people working on the project, such as authors.
Feel free to get in touch if you need a writer. If you have the base information you'd like to get across, but don't have the time to write, let me know!